United Women’s Forum
2 Year Birthday Celebration
April 8th, 2009
On April 8, 2009, the United Women’s Forum celebrated its second birthday with a special General Meeting hosted at the Bella Vida Clubhouse, thanks to Steven Smoot, in North Salt Lake. Our out-going President, Debra Poulsen conducted the meeting. The prayer was offered by Diane Bachman, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance by Susie Heaton.
Debra Poulsen gave some remarks concerning the evolvement of the organization. She said that our logo of many different hands captured the essence of our organization as we bring women together to reach out in service. She reminded us of our organization’s 3-fold mission:
- To educate, motivate, and inspire
- To strengthen family, faith, and freedom
- To study the principles of our divinely inspired Founding Fathers—who did not invent these principles, but rather who loved and lived them
She said it is especially important in an increasingly Godless, secular world that people of faith need to stand firm in defending their values. She expressed gratitude for what she, and hopefully many of us, have learned and have pushed ourselves to become involved in. She also hopes that we can continue to support these precious and enduring principles.
Debra invited steering committee members to come forward and then thanked them for their service in their different responsibilities. She presented each woman with a small gift. She said that a healthy organization can and should move forward with new leadership; this will bring new enthusiasm, ideas, and creativity. She formally introduced our new president, Kris Kimball. Debra promised continued support and full confidence in Kris!
Kris Kimball then thanked Debra for her amazing contribution to this organization; indeed Debra’s initiative in seeing the need for a women’s forum as a new resident of Utah two years ago and being behind its original formation. Kris then introduced the new Steering Committee, which will be comprised of the following women:
Vice President Issues & Education: Diane Prince
Vice-President Speakers & Membership: Nancy Peterson
Secretary: Jennifer Bertin
Treasurer: Kaylma Rohrer
Publicist: Janet Seamons
Membership: Becky Nelson
Blog Assistant: Marge Clayton
Advisors: Laura Bunker, Dalane England and Debra Poulsen
Kris noted that as women, we are inherently drawn to the preservation of life and that when women are educated about and are armed with true principles, they can move forward in positive ways. She presented Debra with a beautiful basket of many different growing plants, which she said can represent the diversity of women in our organization.
Debra Poulsen introduced our host and special guest speaker, Mr. Steven Smoot. He is the president and founder of the Family First Foundation, which has helped address family policy in worldwide efforts. He is also the owner and manager of Eaglewood Development here in Utah. Mr. Smoot is the Executive Producer of the documentary that we viewed later called “Demographic Winter—the decline of the human family”.
He gave some brief remarks to preface the film by discussing declining birthrates in many countries throughout the world and the enormous effect that will have on their futures. He stressed how important it is to educate and inform people and governments on the need to view children as a blessing, and not a burden. He says that many view children as more “carbon footprints” to spoil the world. He citied a few examples of countries (that will be citied in the documentary) who have ignored their ‘human capital’; this in turn has led to serious economic and social decline. It is the hope of him and all those who have contributed to and collaborated on this film that they can educate many and hopefully stop these alarming and serious trends.
We viewed the film “Demographic Winter – the decline of the human family”.
Following that was a delicious lunch for all, provided by Linda Hess, salad; Ali Bell, salad; Paulette Bierwolf, salad; and Celestia Himstreet, rolls.
All attending could participate in a silent auction of items generously donated to benefit the United Women’s Forum. These included:
- Seth Thomas Clock by Janet Seamons
- Hampton Inn Hotel (coupon for one-night downtown SLC) by Kris Kimball
- Kathy Van Zeeland purse by Kris Kimball
- Mary Kay Gift Basket by Kris Kimball
- Hand-made Note Cards (4 sets) by Nancy Peterson
- Dinner coupons for Olive Garden by Debra Poulsen
- 1-hour Massage Coupon by Debra Poulsen
- Book, “The Divine Truth” by author Diane Prince
- Book, “What Men & Women Ought to Know about Each Other, by author Diane Prince
- Oil Painting by artist Anne Marie Oborn
There were also copies of the book, “The 5000 Year Leap” and the DVD of “Demographic Winter” available for purchase. A portion of those funds will also go to the forum.
Our next general meeting, the final one until September, will be held on May 13, 2009.
Prayer: Marcie Alley
Pledge: Jyl Marsden