Monday, April 22, 2013

Hello UWF, Dawn Bates from our UWF Sandy Chapter has invited us to attend their meeting in May with this very special guest speaker, who will be sharing information about our great state that has never been looked at our studied before. Very fascinating information that will shed light on Agenda 21 and the control that the Federal Government does not want to lose.If you have an interest in education, business or state sovereignty you won;t want to miss hearing Larry's presentation. Thanks Kris Kimball
United Women’s Forum Join us May 8, 2013 American Legion Hall 52 W. 200 S. Bountiful 10:00am -12:00pm Special Guest: Rep. Lavar Christensen from District 32 in Salt Lake County Learn about the bills that affected our Parental Rights during this 2013 Legislative Session. * * * Light Lunch * * * There is a meeting on the new Common Core SAGE Assessment System on April 23rd: Date: Tuesday April 23, 2013 Time: 4:00-6:00 Location: Davis School District - Kendell Building 2nd Floor 70 East 100 North Farmington Dr. Judy Park, assistant superintendent at the Utah State Office of Education will be speaking about the new SAGE assessment system. We need as many people as we can to attend who do NOT want to see Common Core implemented in Utah. Your attendance will speak volumes to the State School Board as well as our Davis School Board. Be sure to wear your Stop Common Core Buttons if you have one. The SAGE Assessments is the removal of local parental control in your children's education. Dr. Gary Thompson and Attorney Edward Flint have written great letters to State Superintendent Menlove over concerns about behavioral testing being used on Utah students. Here’s a link to these enlightening letters. Thanks Kris Kimball