Monday, November 16, 2009

MINUTES - November 2009

UWF General Meeting

Conducting: Kris Kimball welcomed all on this Veteran’s Day

Prayer: Celestia Himstreet

Pledge of Allegiance: Kris Kimball

Announcements by Kris Kimball:
• Thanks to Kaylma Rohrer, who has had to step down as Treasurer of UWF
• Introduced Jyl Marsden, new UWF Treasurer
• Nov. 12 Meet US Senate candidate Cherilyn Eager, 6-9 pm, Joy Luck Restaurant in Bountiful, (buy your own food)
• Nov. 13 ‘Freedom Rally’ at State Capitol, 10 am to Noon, training to be a state delegate
• Nov. 18 (Wednesday) Interim Legislative Session, 12:30-1:30 ‘Joe the Plumber’ as guest speaker
• Nov. 19 Candidate Cherilyn Eager and guest ‘Joe the Plumber’, 7:30-9:30 again at Joy Luck Restaurant, Bountiful

Call to Action: Marge Clayton
Mentioned recent passage of Health Care Bill in the US House of Representatives to remind us to be informed and to take time to let your views be known to your Senators about this important legislation. This is not the time to be apathetic!

Special Guest: Anthony Yama, from Mnyenzeni, Kenya --- Koins for Kenya Board of Directors
Mr. Yama expressed thanks to the forum for allowing him to take a few minutes. He thanked us for being members of a women’s forum, which would not be common in his country of Kenya; indeed, many women have no voice at all in political events. He is the father of 3 children; he said it is difficult to raise children in Africa, for many reasons: as an example, 60% die before the age of 6 and 50% of women die in childbirth. Even clean water is rare and daily life is difficult for the majority of people. The hardships of their ailing economy is helped by US aid.
Mr. Yama is a schoolteacher and principal of a village school. He volunteers for Koins for Kenya, a non-profit organization that builds schools in rural Kenya. He has seen first-hand the results of their efforts in helping to build schools where educational aid is desperately needed. The village shares in the responsibility for 10% of the cost of a school and also provides many of the materials and much of the manpower. Kris Kimball hopes we can be aware of this organization and then perhaps individuals will want to contribute. She and her daughter recently returned from a Koins for Kenya trip and would like to help raise money for a school. The amount needed would be about $10,000.

Guest Speaker: Gayle Ruzicka, President of the Utah Eagle Forum
Gayle was introduced by Dalane England as a woman who has been involved in Eagle Forum for 35 years and president for 20 years! She praised her as being articulate and courageous in standing for conservative principles. She also said she has a wonderful, supportive husband and is the mother of 12 outstanding children.

Gayle’s subject was the 21st Principle from The 5000 Year Leap: that “Strong Local Self-Government is the Keystone to Preserving Human Freedom”. She quoted Thomas Jefferson, one of the founding fathers, who was one who espoused the importance of the states retaining their right to govern.
This is an important principle that Gayle Ruzicka works at and sees first-hand with her many years of experience with our Utah’s legislature. It is at the local and state government level that we can make changes, make a difference and see results. She noted that state law truly affects citizens directly and quickly. She explained also that the Utah Eagle Forum consists of volunteer citizen lobbyists, who along with any citizens have voices that can influence legislators. She said that aside from face to face contact, that telephoning a legislator may be the best way, texting them is good, and emails are good too. However, emails from their constituents carry the most weight. She also recommended to us that in contacting them regarding a bill that we should always reference the name of the bill and not just the number.
The remainder of the time she discussed local issues, primarily the passing by Salt Lake City just the day before of a new housing and employment discrimination ordinance; this is aimed at anti-gay discrimination.

Luncheon provided by: Janet Seamons, Ali Bell, Debra Poulsen, & Kris Kimball.

NEXT UWF Meeting: January 13, 2010 at the Bella Vida Clubhouse

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