Prayer: Laura Dixon
Pledge: Marilyn Nielsen
Announcements: Kris Kimball
KJAZZ is looking to do a show highlighting our United Women’s Forum. It would air on a Sunday
morning; details will be provided later on, if it ends up going on TV. A signup sheet was passed around to
handle luncheon assignments for the rest of our calendar year. Thank you to all of those who signed up
to help. It is renewal time for the UWF; the yearly membership fee is $10.00 and can be mailed to Kris
Kimball 1252 Lorien Dr. Bountiful, UT. 84010, make check out to UWF. TJC Monthly Patriots Package was
introduced; it is a monthly lesson plan including a DVD to teach Constitutional Principles to your family.
A Lesson plan for all ages; adult, teens and children is provided. Cost is $17.87/packet. Petitions were
passed out from the Family Watch International Group. The petitions are a pledge to support traditional
families. Sharon Slater’s wonderful book; Stand for the Family is available for only $10.00. Contact Kris
Kimball if you want your own copy for your home. Kris Kimball and Barb Derricott are hosting a Cottage
Meeting for Nicole Toomey Davis at Kris’ home on October 19th at 9:30am-10:30am 1252 Lorien Dr.
Bountiful, UT
Education Update: Nicole Toomey Davis reported for Barb Derricott. Nicole attended the
School Board Meeting in September. She reported how there was a real lack of learning and acceptance
of looking at new ideas in education. The extended day Kindergarten Plan was talked about that
contained a budget increase of 7M dollars; the attitude of the board was to just ask for the money from
the Legislature (or us the tax payers) without any talk or consideration on how they could find the
money themselves within their own budget. The information that Florida Gov. Jeb Bush shared about
the “Florida Miracle” was dismissed and not really given any consideration. She found the state school
board to be more defensive of new ideas instead of looking to see what they can learn from others.
State School Board Meetings are held on the 1st Friday of the month, anyone is welcome to go up and
help sit in and hear what is going on. If you decide you want to go be sure to give Barb Derricott a call
801-298-1891 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting 801-298-1891 end_of_the_skype_highlighting to coordinate what meetings you would like to listen in on.
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