Hello UWF,
Here is a fun fundraising event right here in Bountiful!
Breakfast with Santa in Bountiful! Proceeds go to the Bountiful Food Bank!
Saturday, December 3, 2011
8:00am until 11:00am
It is our annual 'Breakfast with Santa' at The Wight House Reception Center! $8.00 per participant or bring in two cans of food and save two dollars. Prizes, games and breakfast with Santa -- what could be better? ALL proceeds go to the Bountiful Food Bank!
In January………..
Many of you have had an opportunity to hear Rep. Lavar Christensen speak at our UWF meeting and love his willingness to stand and protect our families. We are not part of his District, however he loves the support we have shown him and wants to extend an invitation to attend a Concert with Collin Raye here in Utah. To order tickets call 801-572-9878, further details are listed below.
Collin Raye Benefit Concert
o When Friday, January 6, 2012
o Time 7:30pm until 10:30pm
Dear Friends,
I am pleased and honored to share with you a very special upcoming event and memorable night of award-winning music.
Please join me as we usher in what is sure to be a very important New Year, 2012. On January 6th at the Jordan High School Auditorium in Sandy, I am hosting a semi-private concert by my friend and platinum recording artist, Collin Raye. Please save the date and join in an enjoyable and patriotic celebration of the spirit of America and the great State of Utah. You will love the show! Over 30 top country pop hits and twenty years of music memories. (Please see the event announcement that I have posted. A larger version is available at www.citizensforprincipledgovernment.com).
As both a fund-raiser and a sincere thank you to all the citizens in our District and throughout Utah, please spread the word and urge others to join in the continuing quest to promote principled government. Tickets average $40 per seat and all contributions are deeply appreciated. Additional sponsor opportunities are also available and more information will be coming as the event draws near. Don't miss this great night of music and help keep our State and Country great.
Thank you for your support and all the good you do. All the best to you.
Representative LaVar Christensen
Office 801-572-9878
Cell 801-550-1040
Home 801-571-8603