United Women's Forum Minutes, Dec. 5, 2007
Kaylma Rohrer welcomed everyone to the home of
Lauralee Christensen for our monthly meeting, held
one week early, due to Christmas.
An opening prayer was offered by Jyl Marsden, fol-
lowed by the Pledge of Alligiance, lead by Kaylma.
Lauralee Christensen introduced us to the "Stay Alive"
program as a possible humanitarian project for our fami-
lies this Christmas. There are 12 million AIDS-orphaned
children in Africa. Stay Alive is a powerful and proven
HIV/AIDS prevention education program developed by
United Families International. It targets children ages
9-14 during the critical window before they are sexually
active. $1.25-$1.50 per child provides teacher education
and curriculum materials. The program has been respon-
sible for a 61-75% drop in teen pregnancies. For more
info, please contact Lauralee at 299-9113.
Susan Duke suggested that we involve our children with
volunteer & humanitarian efforts, relating a "soda" story.
Marva Lyman presented a "call to action" for the month
of December, suggesting that we:
1. Pray for the spirit of repentance to come over the
leaders of our country. Pray that they will stand
for truth, righteousness and liberty.
2. Contact friends and relatives in California and ask
them to write to Gov. Schwarznegger regarding his
signing of SB 777, AB 394, AB 102, and AB14
(Senate and Assembly Bills). These require teachers
to promote homosexuality, transexuality, bisexuality
and cross-dressing as part of public school curric-
ulum. Married names are being awarded to homo-
sexual couples and state funding will be discontinue-
ed for any organization that does not promote these
3. Employment Non-Discrimination Act (ENDA)
Opponents say this law creates a protected class that
"promotes" homosexuality and negatively affects
traditional family values. 13 states currently have
policies prohibiting sexual orientation & gender iden-
tity discrimination in employment; 7 more on sexual
orientation only. If ENDA passes, it would force the
other 30 states, including Utah to abide by this law.
4. Senate Bill (S 1780) Protecting Children From
Indecent Programming Act would require the FCC
Federal Communications Commission to maintain
current policy, stating that one word or image may
constitute indecent programming.
Debra Poulsen thanked all of the United Women for their
efforts and testified that Jesus Christ is the author of liberty
and the inalienable rights declared in the Constitution.
Laurie Leishman, Marge Clayton's daughter, introduced
Ardeth Kapp.
Ardeth Kapp told us that she felt great power in the room.
She related an experience with a nephew some years ago
The nephew asked, "Aunt Ardy, how many more birth-
days do you have left? He then wrapped his arms around
her and told her he loved her and didn't want her to die.
Ardeth quoted Helaman 5:12, declaring that it is upon
the rock of our Redeemer that we must build our sure
foundation. She declared that "today we're pioneers
on a new and very challenging frontier, but the concern
for protecting our homes and families is no different."
She read a tender, powerful poem by Vaalite Rail, an
early pioneer.
We cut desire into short lengths
And fed it to the hunger fires of courage.
Long after when the flames had died
Molten gold gleamed in the ashes.
We gathered it with bruised palms
And handed it to our children
And our children's children forever.
Sister Kapp admonished us to be careful not to let our
attention stay focused on world problems, while we let
Satan destroy the moral fiber of our home. Don't be
reluctant to take a stand. There is power in unity.
Sister Kapp found widspread diversity some years ago
while in Washington D.C., attending the National
Council of Women. Immediately following the open-
ing prayer, one woman arose from her sea spontane-
ously and made this brief observation that was felt by
everyone present:
"One woman is helpful,
Ten women influential.
One hundred women powerful.
One thousand women invincible."
President Spencer Kimball declared that today, during the
winding-up scenes, a righteous woman's influence can
be ten times more than what it might be in more tranquil
times. As we plan, we need to ask, "What do we want to
accomplish?" before we ask, "What do we want to do?"
We need to be careful not to get distracted. The adversary
would like to keep us busy with "good things", neglecting
the most important things.
Twenty years ago, Sister Kapp was asked to speak
before the National Committee Against Pornography.
Many organizations, media representatives, and legislators
were in attendance, some for and others against pornography.
There were many television cameras. As soon as Sister
Kapp identified herself with the LDS Church, all the
cameras turned off. ["When we know what is right, we must
speak up," Sister Kapp declared to us. She asked what each
of us would have said, if we had been in her place.] She
continued her story. She told the audience at the National
Committee that when she took the oath to become a U.S.
citizen, having been born a Canadian, she promised that she
would support and defend the Constitution against all enemies.
"Today we face the 'psychological enemy' of pornography,
obscenity and indecency, attacking the traditional family.
We stand at the crossroad," she boldly stated.
Sister Kapp admonished us to establish a pattern with three
important actions: 1)observations, 2) concerns, 3) recom-
mendations. Some years ago, President Packer told Sister
Kapp, "We need women who are…organized…have
executive ability, who can…teach, speak out…receive
inspiration. Sister Kapp told us she rejoices that we support
other organizations that fight for family moral values.
"We need everybody from every camp," she declared.
"When we build our foundation on Christ, we know what
to do."
Ardeth related a touching personal story. She was a
teaching supervisor at BYU when she visited Miss
Nelson's 2nd grade class. The teacher described a
hypothetical scenario, then asked her students to decide
which neighbor they would like to have living by them.
She talked of two older men, Mr. Smith and Mr. Jones.
"Suppose you passed these men on your way home from
school." Mr. Smith made whistles for the children and knew
the names of all the birds. Mr. Jones, on the other hand, would
throw things at the children as the passed by or shake his cane
at them. "Which man would you like as a neighbor?" the teacher
asked. All the children raised their hands in favor of Mr. Smith,
but way in the back of the classroom, one boy slowly began to
raise his hand. The teacher noticed and said, "Jeff, stand up,"
Jeff stood and shyly expressed that he would like to be neighbors
with Mr. Jones. "If I were neighbors with Mr. Jones," he
continued, " then my mother would make him a pie and he
wouldn't be that way anymore." Sister Kapp said she observed
twenty-two second graders, and one boy, true to his convictions,
who stood alone to make a better way. Another child was heard to
say, "I wish I had said that."
Five qualities were illuminated:
1) The obvious answer is not always right. Dare to stand alone.
Logic and reason may not always be reliable, but the Spirit
always is.
2) Believe in people. You cannot change the whole world, but you
can change one person?
3) Go forth with confidence. When you speak truth, the Spirit will
4) We've got to know Him; not just know about Him
5) President Hinckley said, "There is no power on earth like that of
Sister Kapp asked her former Beehive, Becky Nelson, to come up
and stand with her. Sister Kapp related Becky's experience at
Girl's Camp as best as she could remember it. After the testimony
meeting that was held, Sister Kapp told all the girls, "Before you
go back to your places, go out into the trees by yourself and just
"call home". Two weeks later, in Fast and Testimony meeting,
Becky related that when she went into the trees, she looked up
into the sky and asked, "Heavenly Father", do you know I'm here.
She began to feel warm all over and testified, "I knew He knew
that I was there."
Ardeth told us that, in unity, regardless of age, religion, there is
power in an organized group. "I appreciate the countenance of this
group. I pray that the Lord will bless you individually and collectively."
She told us she loves the story of Elisha the Prophet, related in
II Kings, chapter 6, where the eyes of Elisha's servant are opened,
revealing previously unseen horses and chariots of fire. Elisha,
the Prophet states, "They that be with us are greater than they that
be with them." II Kings 6:16.
Sister Kapp made us all laugh hard when she said, "I have a photo-
graphic memory, but not same-day delivery." She asked us for any
questions we might have.
Evelyn Neville asked about legislation regarding single parents, par-
ticularly divorced mothers. We can be part of the ammunition; we
can love, accept and support. Time Out for Women is a great
resource. Barbra Spuhler said it is like an extension of Women's
Conference. It has gone all over the nation and Canada. Now
they offer Husband and Wife, as well as Mother-Daughter.
Paulette requested, "Tell us who you are." "What do you do in your
spare time?" "Who is your favorite author?" Sister Kapp responded,
"Let me tell you who I'm not." She quoted King Benjamin, saying
that we must watch our thoughts. Satan tries to cause us to despair,
to be discouraged, to feel we are inadequate. We need to feel acceptance
within ourselves.
Sister Kapp sits on the Deseret Book editorial board and after reading
a 300-page manuscript, her scriptures are about all she can get to.
What we read and see does affect how we feel about ourselves.
Some thoughts expressed by Sister Kapp:
In Canada, growing up, we learned that "you harvest what you plant".
We must comply with nature. We couldn't control the weather; we
learned to rely on the Lord. We learned that not all prayers are answered.
Hail came and killed all our turkeys, but that year our wheat crop was
better than normal. Some leadership principles are learned by being
involved at a very young age to be very responsible.
JoAnne Poulsen commented that some missionaries that had not have farm
experience felt that a mission was too hard and got sent home. Ardeth
added that "we had to milk cows in the morning, and before we went
to the dance.
I know from my experience with the Utah North Area Youth Confer-
ences in the summer that allowed 9,000 youth in two years to attend
Youth Conference for $50, that youth today are stronger, smarter. I
have confidence in youth today. Young kids are so strong and com-
Vaalite Rail's poem is quoted in Sister Kapp's book, Miracles in
Pinafores and Blue Jeans. She said has been out of print for fifteen years,
Kaylma thanked Sister Ardeth Kapp, on behalf of our entire group. She
noted that Jill Stevens, the current Miss Utah, and September speaker with
UWF, needs our help. The national competition will be aired in four episodes
at 8:00 p.m. on TLC, culminating with the finals on January 26, 2008..